testing with cypress

Karine Samyn, Benjamin Vertonghen, Thomas Aelbrecht, Pieter Van Der Helst

"No one in the brief history of computing has ever written a piece of perfect software. It's unlikely that you'll be the first." - Andy Hunt

recipe app startpoint

if you spent last class on facebook (or at the pub), branch the repo at the correct commit and follow along!

~$ git clone https://github.com/Pieter-hogent/recipeapp.git  (or git pull)
~$ cd recipeapp
~/recipeapp$ git checkout -b week6 3bfdae5
~/recipeapp$ npm install


  1. intro to testing in angular
    what comes include, why we won't use it
  2. cypress
    the testing framework we will use
  3. first test
    how is a test structured
  4. mocking
    mocking responses from the server
  5. fixtures
    use fixtures to more easily reuse mocked data

why write tests?

  • seriously? if you don't know by now, explaining it for the umpteenth time won't help either, so we won't bother
  • let's dive in immediately

angular tests

  • when creating projects with ng new , and generating components, a lot of test stuff is added automatically
  • unit tests using karma and jasmine
    • you can start them with npm test
    • they work fine, but the need for unit tests in the frontend is usually rather limited (depends on the project though, don't dismiss this)
  • e2e test using protractor
    • this worked great with AngularJS (1.x), but a lot is still lacking to have a good experience on 2+
    • even the official documentation (protractor.angular.io) hasn't been updated since 2016, and still talks about Angular 1.x
    • so we won't bother and use something else


  • released oct 17
  • commercial product (but open source)
  • does not depend on webdriver, but runs in the browser
    • advantage: easier to inspect what's running the browser
    • disadvantage: harder to talk to the outside world
  • fast, easy to use, batteries included
  • in my experience the hardest thing about testing is getting all those lazy, entitled, developers to write tests; cypress helps tremendously here

installing cypress

~$ npm install --save-dev cypress@4.1.0
  • installing this is installing just another npm package (we use the 4.1 version, they're already up to version 7 but there's a babel/webpack conflict right now)
  • don't forget the --save-dev , you only want this included in development environments, not in production
~$ npx cypress open
  • now you can run the cypress command from within your node_modules and start the environment
  • (this is equivalent to ./node_modules/.bin/cypress open )

first run

  • this opens a view of all the tests, a lot of example tests where added by cypress
  • you can run one test by clicking it, all these tests were added inside a cypress/ folder at the root of your application
  • these examples are great to show how everything's done, but we'll remove them from our recipe app for now (you can easily get them back by doing a cypress install on an empty project)
fake news story

first test

                describe('My First Test', function() {
                  it('Does not do much!', function() {
                  it('Still not doing a lot', function() {
create the file myfirsttest.spec.js in cypress/integration/ individual tests are identified by it , describe structures multiple tests expect is used to really test things if you've ever written javascript tests, you might recognize these they come from mocha en chai (included in cypress) let's add a failing test too in the cypress app you'll see that these tests are automatically found and added to the list let's try this out

first real test

                describe('My First Test', function() {
                  it('our app runs', function() {
this works, but testing tautologies is hardly useful, let's do a real test start with visiting our page, using the cy command even though there are no asserts, this will already succeed / fail based on the availability of your app if you run this test, you'll see the page is really being shown as are all XHR requests let's check something, we've got one button ('add') and when our page is loaded it's disabled this works, but it's not the best way to access DOM elements on the page (what if you have two buttons?)

selecting elements

selector recommended notes
cy.get('button') Never too generic
cy.get('.btn.btn-large') Never What if the designer changes styling? Bad
cy.get('#main') Sparingly still coupled to styling or js
cy.contains('Submit') Depends Better, but coupled to text content (which might change)
cy.get('[data-cy=submit]') Good Best, use a dedicated attribute in your html

selection attributes

              <div fxLayout="column" fxLayoutGap="2%">
                <app-add-recipe (newRecipe)="addNewRecipe($event)"></app-add-recipe>
                <div *ngIf="(recipes$ | async) as recipes; else loadingOrError">
                  <div fxLayout="row wrap" ... >
                    <div *ngFor="let recipe of (recipes | recipeFilter: filterRecipeName)" ...>
                      <app-recipe [recipe]="recipe" data-cy="recipeCard"></app-recipe>
let's add some attributes to help us test the application we'll add an attribute to the filter input element and tot he app-recipe component, inside our ngFor

test filter

                describe('My First Test', function() {
                  it('our app runs', function() {
                    cy.get('[data-cy=recipeCard]').should('have.length', 1);
we'll type 'sp' in our filter that should leave us with one card (the one showing 'spaghetti') this obviously relies on the state of our database this test assumes we started with the default seeded database of our backend


fake news story
  • this depends on the application, but in general you should do at least one 'full' test for most 'paths' with nothing stubbed or mocked, to make sure everything works, and works together
  • and then stub server responses to test all additional cases (there's rarely much gained by doing all cases live, but it requires a lot more database setup, and is a lot slower)
  • still, depends on the application, use your own judgement


                it('mock recipe get', function() {
                  cy.server({ delay: 1000 });
                    method: 'GET',
                    url: 'http://localhost:4200/api/recipes',
                    status: 200,
                    response: [{ name: 'rec1', ingredients: [] },
                    { name: 'rec2', ingredients: [] },{ name: 'rec3', ingredients: [] }]
                  cy.get('[data-cy=recipeCard]').should('have.length', 3);
to mock requests you start by calling a cy.server() every request done with cy.route or cy.request will now pass through this server that doesn't mean the request will not be handled by the server if you simply define a GET request, it will simply be passed through the cy.server to the backend what's the point you might wonder? well, you can define options on your server, and e.g. delay all requests and test if your application works correctly with slow connections (there are many other options, and you can define callbacks on the cy.server as well) but we want to mock our requests, so we add a response then we visit the site (which will trigger a GET on /api/recipes) and we can check that three recipe components were constructed as a result of three recipe objects in the servers response inlining data can become cumbersome (and distract from the tests), a better way is to use fixtures


                  "id": 1,
                  "name": "Spaghetti",
                  "created": "2019-03-13T12:40:03.184905",
                  "chef": null,
                  "ingredients": [
                      "id": 1,
                      "name": "Tomatoes",
                      "amount": 0.75,
                      "unit": "liter"
                      "id": 2,
                      "name": "Minced Meat",
                      "amount": 500.0,
                      "unit": "grams"
                      "id": 3,
                      "name": "Onion",
                      "amount": 2.0,
                      "unit": null
                  "id": 2,
                  "name": "Lasagne",
                  "created": "2019-02-07T12:40:03.184905",
                  "chef": null,
                  "ingredients": [
                      "id": 1,
                      "name": "Tomatoes",
                      "amount": 0.75,
                      "unit": "liter"
                      "id": 2,
                      "name": "Minced Meat",
                      "amount": 500.0,
                      "unit": "grams"
                      "id": 3,
                      "name": "Butter",
                      "amount": 100,
                      "unit": "grams"
                  "id": 3,
                  "name": "Risotto",
                  "created": "2019-02-07T12:40:03.184905",
                  "chef": null,
                  "ingredients": [
                      "id": 1,
                      "name": "Rise",
                      "amount": 300,
                      "unit": "grams"
                      "id": 2,
                      "name": "parmesan",
                      "amount": 300,
                      "unit": "grams"
create a recipes.json file with all the recipes we want to load in the cypress/fixtures/ folder


                  it('mock recipe get', function() {
                    cy.server({ delay: 1000 });
                      method: 'GET',
                      url: 'http://localhost:4200/api/recipes',
                      status: 200,
                      response: 'fixture:recipes.json'[{ name: 'rec1', ingredients: [] },
                      { name: 'rec2', ingredients: [] },{ name: 'rec3', ingredients: [] }]
                    cy.get('[data-cy=recipeCard]').should('have.length', 3);
now we simply need to change the data object to a reference to the json file use a string with the fixture: prefix, and the filename, without the path to the fixtures folder having the url to our server hardcoded in the tests is annoying as well (what if it moves and you have dozens of tests?) luckily, there is a cypress.json file at the root where we can specify these things so remove the url everywhere...


                  "baseUrl": "http://localhost:4200"
and add a baseUrl property inside the cypress.json file at the root of your app this baseUrl will be prepended to every url in the cypress tests

error case

                it('on error should show error message', function() {
                    method: 'GET',
                    url: '/api/recipes',
                    status: 500,
                    response: 'ERROR'
as a last example lets add a test to make sure our error message is properly shown start by adding a data-cy='appError' attribute to the <mat-error> in our recipe-list.component then define a route and make sure a server error occurs when it's accessed then we can make sure the error dialog is shown when the page is visited it's always a good idea to make sure error paths are properly tested they are easily overlooked, you see the 'normal' flow constantly while developing, but rarely the weird error cases


  • that covers the basics and should get you started
  • there's lot more to cypress, but the official documentation is excellent, and the examples are plentiful and show most use cases
  • as an exercise you can try to test the 'add recipe' form