
Karine Samyn, Benjamin Vertonghen, Thomas Aelbrecht, Pieter Van Der Helst

"We build our computer systems the way we build our cities: over time, without a plan, on top of ruins." — Ellen UIlman

recipe app startpoint

if you spent last class on facebook (or at the pub), branch the repo at the correct commit and follow along!

~$ git clone  (or git pull)
~$ cd recipeapp
~/recipeapp$ npm install
~/recipeapp$ git checkout -b mybranch aa93285


  1. modules
    use modules to group angular building blocks
  2. angular material
    use angular material as our layout library
  3. recipe model
    refactor the code to use a separate class for recipes
  4. recipe list component
    add a recipe list component so we can show several recipes
  5. add recipe component
    illustrate @Output() by adding a minimal add recipe component
  6. services
    use a service to access our (mock) data
  7. recipe filter
    create a custom pipe to filter recipes
  8. change detection
    change detection in angular


              import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
              import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
              import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
              import { RecipeComponent } from './recipe/recipe.component';
              import { IngredientComponent } from './ingredient/ingredient.component';
                declarations: [AppComponent, RecipeComponent, IngredientComponent],
                imports: [BrowserModule],
                providers: [],
                bootstrap: [AppComponent]
              export class AppModule {}
last week we used the angular-cli to generate a few components these consist of a few files (html, css, typescript) which we could use immediately in our other components the reason this worked is because angular-cli added those files to our app.module as well every angular application always has an app.module it says which component should be rendered when the user surfs to the root of our webapp (and that AppComponent will contain the tags of our other components to render them, and so on) you can imagine that large apps consists of many components to make re-use easier angular allows you to create your own modules, and import those let's do that for our Recipe- and IngredientComponent


~/recipapp$ ng generate module recipe --module=app
  • You can use ng generate for modules as well
  • --module=app makes sure this recipe module is imported in the app module


  • the cli created the recipe.module.ts file in our (already existing) recipe/ folder
  • it would be nicer if both the ingredient component as the recipe component their files would be in subfolders of this module, so let's do that first


~/recipapp$ cd src/app
~/recipapp/src/app$ mkdir recipe/recipe
~/recipapp/src/app$ git mv recipe/recipe.component* recipe/recipe
~/recipapp/src/app$ git mv ingredient recipe/
  • first we'll create a recipe folder inside the existing recipe folder
  • next we'll move all recipe component files to that folder
  • it's always best to use git mv when moving files under git control (it's a shorthand for moving a file / removing the old one / adding the new one)
  • lastly, we'll move the ingredient folder inside this recipe folder as well


              import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
              import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

              import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
              import { RecipeComponent } from './recipe/recipe.component';
              import { IngredientComponent } from './ingredient/ingredient.component';

                declarations: [AppComponent, RecipeComponent, IngredientComponent],
                imports: [BrowserModule, RecipeModule],
                providers: [],
                bootstrap: [AppComponent]
              export class AppModule {}

if you open app.module.ts, you'll see squiggly red lines where we're importing the components we moved them, they can no longer be found at there original spot we want to declare them in our recipe module though, so let's remove the imports here and remove from declarations as well that's it, now let's add them again in the recipe.module.ts


              import { IngredientComponent } from './ingredient/ingredient.component';
              import { RecipeComponent } from './recipe/recipe.component';
              import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
              import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
                declarations: [RecipeComponent, IngredientComponent],
                imports: [CommonModule],
                exports: [RecipeComponent]
              export class RecipeModule {}
here we simply add both components to the declarations again this should add the imports automatically as well, but check to make sure they already point at the new locations (sometimes you get weird caching here and vs code still uses the old path) if you would open the webapp now, you would still get an error indicating RecipeComponent is not found when importing a module, you only import what the module exports, so we need to export the RecipeComponent here so the AppComponent can use it


  • every component must be declared in exactly one module
  • you need to declare or import every component you want to use
  • importing a module imports all components that module exports (all declared but not exported components can only be used inside that module)
  • there's more to modules (lazy loading / preloading / ...) but we'll talk about that in a later chapter


  • next, let's talk about styling our app, this is not a design class, and nobody likes to write (or debug) css, so we'll use one of the many frameworks to make our lives easier: angular material, together with flexbox
  • Material design was created by Google in 2014, it's widely used on Android, but as of Angular 5, there is a good angular port as well
  • there are many others we could have chosen: bootstrap, semantic ui, etc.
  • or write our own css, it's still a webpage, we're not really limited in this regard

angular material.

~/recipeapp$ npm install --save @angular/material @angular/cdk @angular/animations @angular/flex-layout
  • first we need to add the modules to our application
  • the --save when doing an npm install adds it to our package.json as well, so that teammembers will get the right libraries when they git pull our code

angular material.

              import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
              import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
              import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
              import { MatListModule } from '@angular/material/list';
              import { MatIconModule } from '@angular/material/icon';
              import { MatCardModule } from '@angular/material/card';
              import { FlexLayoutModule } from '@angular/flex-layout';
                declarations: [],
                imports: [
                exports: [
              export class MaterialModule {}
we'll create a separate module to group everyting from material design create it using the angular cli just like we did before with the recipe module we'll import all modules we installed from material design and then we export them again so they are available to modules importing our material module for this small recipe web app, this might look a bit silly but when you have larger apps with many modules it pays to keep this cleanly separated

angular material.

              import { MaterialModule } from './../material/material.module';
              import { IngredientComponent } from './ingredient/ingredient.component';
              import { RecipeComponent } from './recipe/recipe.component';
              import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
              import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
                declarations: [RecipeComponent, IngredientComponent],
                imports: [CommonModule, MaterialModule],
                exports: [RecipeComponent]
              export class RecipeModule {}
if you generated the material module using the --module command line option the AppModule already imports this but we want to use it in the recipe module as well, so import here too by importing all the material modules a lot of new tags and attributes are provided which we can use in the html of our components

angular material.

  • angular material can be used with different styles, defined in their own css files
  • this poses a bit of a problem, we said that every component its css is scoped (that's a feature)
  • but that also implies we would have to add our theme-css file to every component we create
  • luckily, angular provides us with a global style.css, which is included in every html we define


                @import '~@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css';        
by default, this is an empty file we'll simply add one of the default angular material themes here: the pink one, everybody loves pink!

material icons

  • material design provides a large set of icons, which can be used inside buttons, etc.
  • these are actually defined inside a custom font, so if you want to use these (we do), we'll have to include the font in our index.html
                <!-- [...] -->

angular material

                  <mat-card-title><mat-icon>local_dining</mat-icon> <p>recipe for {{ name }} </mat-card-title>
                  <mat-card-subtitle>added on {{ dateAdded | date: longDate }}</mat-card-subtitle> </p>
                  <h3 mat-subheader>ingredients</h3>
                    <mat-list-itemli *ngFor="let ingredient of ingredients">
                      <app-ingredient [name]="ingredient"></app-ingredient>
all is set, let's adapt the html of our recipe component to use these material design elements first let's put everything in a basic card, with a card header and card content next we'll change the list, ul becomes mat-list etc. then we'll change the header a bit, use proper title tags finally we'll add an icon to our card that's it, let's have a look

refactor existing code.

right now our recipe component is hardcoded to always show 'spaghetti', we need to make some changes before we can cope with adding new recipes:
  • we need a way to represent our recipes: a model class
  • our component needs to be updated to get a recipe as an Input of this model i.s.o. being hardcoded
  • we'll add a mock data object to hold some recipes (these will come from a proper backend in a later chapter)
  • then we need a new "recipe list" component, which will create and show recipe components for all the recipes


                interface RecipeJson {
                  name: string;
                  ingredients: string[];
                  dateAdded: string;
                export class Recipe {
                    private _name: string,
                    private _ingredients = new Array<string>(),
                    private _dateAdded = new Date()
                  ) {}
                  static fromJSON(json: RecipeJson): Recipe {
                    const rec = new Recipe(, json.ingredients, new Date(json.dateAdded));
                    return rec;
                  // [...] other getters
                  get name(): string {
                    return this._name;
                  addIngredient(name: string, amount?: number, unit?: string) {
                    this._ingredients.push(`${amount || 1} ${unit || ''} ${name}`);
our model class is just a class with some private members and getters our backend server will return JSON objects, so lets add a convenience method to convert those you can always use any, but if you want 'type' your json creating a small interface is the most convenient way dates will be stringified, so we'll convert them as we create our Recipe object

mock data object

                import { Recipe } from './recipe.model';

                const JsonRecipes = [
                    name: 'spaghetti',
                    ingredients: ['tomato', 'onion', 'celery', 'carrot', 'minced meat'],
                    dateAdded: '2020-02-07T18:25:43.511Z'
                    name: 'risotto',
                    ingredients: ['rice', 'onion', 'parmesan', 'butter'],
                    dateAdded: '2020-02-08T16:25:43.511Z'
                export const RECIPES: Recipe[] =;
we'll create a separate file which can hold a list of such recipes to have some initial data import the model definition create some json representation of our recipe model and finally map them to our class type using the convenience method we added previously

recipe component

                export class RecipeComponent implements OnInit {
                  name: string;
                  ingredients: string[];
                  dateAdded: Date;
                  @Input() public recipe: Recipe;
                  constructor() {
           = 'spaghetti';
                    this.ingredients = ['tomato', 'onion', 'celery', 'carrot', 'minced meat'];
                    this.dateAdded = new Date();
                  ngOnInit() {}
everything was hardcoded here, let's throw that out and replace them with a recipe object we don't want to initialize this in the constructor but let other components pass the data @Input() properties should be public semantically correct, and important for AOT compiling

recipe component

                  <mat-icon>local_dining</mat-icon> {{ }}</mat-card-title
                  >added on {{ recipe.dateAdded | date: longDate }}</mat-card-subtitle
                <h3 mat-subheader>ingredients</h3>
                  <mat-list-item *ngFor="let ingredient of recipe.ingredients">{{
we need to adapt the html as well name, ingredients nor dateAdded exist in our updated class we access them through our recipe property now

recipe list component.

  • we'll create a new component to hold all the recipes and to display a recipe component for each
  • ~/recipeapp$ cd src/app/recipe
    ~/recipeapp/src/app/recipe$ ng g c recipe-list --module=recipe --dry-run
    ~/recipeapp/src/app/recipe$ ng g c recipe-list --module=recipe
  • first make sure you're in the recipe/ folder so the component gets created in a subfolder of the recipe folder
  • you can always use the --dry-run option to run the command without changing anything (see what would happen) and then run it for real

recipe list component.

import { RECIPES } from './mock-recipes';

export class RecipeListComponent {
  private _recipes = RECIPES;

  constructor() {}
  get recipes() {
    return this._recipes;
inside the recipe list component we'll access our mock data and provide a getter which the html can use to loop over all recipes

recipe list component.

              fxLayout="row wrap"
                *ngFor="let localRecipe of recipes"
                fxFlex="0 0 calc(25%-0.5%)"
                <app-recipe [recipe]="localRecipe"></app-recipe>
in the html we 'll use *ngFor to loop over the recipes we first wrap the recipe in a angular/flex-layout div this is a convenient wrapper of CSS3 flexbox, if you have no idea what this is about, spent 5 minutes reading and another 10 minutes reading about css grid while you're at it it makes it easy to create responsive 'flows', here we'll use 'row' layout unless on very small screens, many more options are available then we loop over our recipes and pass them one by one to the @Input of our recipe component notice that we put the *ngFor inside the tag we want to see repeated we want to repeat the div inside the flexbox, not the flexbox itself

recipe module

              import { MaterialModule } from './../material/material.module';
              import { IngredientComponent } from './ingredient/ingredient.component';
              import { RecipeComponent } from './recipe/recipe.component';
              import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
              import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
              import { RecipeListComponent } from './recipe-list/recipe-list.component';
                declarations: [RecipeComponent, IngredientComponent, RecipeListComponent],
                imports: [CommonModule, MaterialModule],
                exports: [RecipeComponentRecipeListComponent]
              export class RecipeModule {}
the recipe list component was automatically added to the declarations when we created the component because of the --moduule=recipe option we provided we still need to take care of exporting though, we want users of our module to use the recipe list to show all recipes

app component

            <div style="text-align:center">
              <h1>welcome to {{ title }}</h1>
now all that's left is adapting the html of app component to use this new recipe list component so replace the app-recipe tag with an app-recipe-list tag that's it let's check that this still works

linking components

  • we learned how to pass data between components and their html (using {{}})
  • we also saw how to pass data from one component to its child component (using [ ] )
  • now we're going to learn a way to pass data from a child component to its parent
  • and how to respond to actions from the user (clicks)

add recipe component

                  <input matInput placeholder="name" type="text" 
                      #newrecipename />
                <button (click)="addRecipe(newrecipename)" mat-raised-button>
                  add recipe
let's add a (very basic) add recipe component, with only a input field for the name, and an add button (we'll convert this into a proper form in a later class) from now on, the slides will no longer show everything excrutiatingly detailed if it covers something we already saw, like in this case, creating a new component let's do this we want to respond to the button being clicked this is done using an eventhandler, between ( ) when the button is clicked, we want to process what is inside the input field we do this by populating a template variable for the input field, using this 'hashtag' syntax now we add the function being called on our typescript class when the event fires, with this variable as a parameter the newrecipename is a local variable


                import { Component, OnInit, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
                import { Recipe } from '../recipe.model';
                export class AddRecipeComponent implements OnInit {
                  @Output() public newRecipe = new EventEmitter<Recipe>();
                  constructor() {}
                  ngOnInit() {}
                  addRecipe(recipeName: HTMLInputElement): boolean {
                    const recipe = new Recipe(recipeName.value, []);
                    return false;
we're referencing the addRecipe function, so we need to add it to our code "hashtag fields" are basic DOM HTMLElements (HTMlInputElement here, since it's an <input> tag) use .value to access to contents event handlers return a boolean, true if you want to propagate the event to other handlers, false to "eat" the event let's add the component to the recipe list and try this out when the addRecipe is triggered by clicking the button, we'd like this recipe to end up in our list of recipes and show up in the grid to be able to communicate with a component that contains us, we need an @Output variable, of type EventEmitter we don't (and shouldn't) know who contains us, so we're limited to simply sending something 'out there', to anyone who cares to listen don't forget all necessary imports when the button is clicked, we'll emit a new event, with the new created recipe notice that our EventEmitter sends objects of the type Recipe, so we simply emit the recipe, not wrapped into some event class the html doesn't change, we already called the addRecipe when the add button was clicked

receive the event

              <div fxLayout="column" fxLayoutGap="2%">
                <app-add-recipe (newRecipe)="addNewRecipe($event)"></app-add-recipe>
                  fxLayout="row wrap"
                    *ngFor="let localRecipe of recipes"
                    fxFlex="0 0 calc(25%-0.5%)"
                    <app-recipe [recipe]="localRecipe"></app-recipe>
the event is sent, but nobody's listening, let's change that first, we'll add the app-add-recipe component to our recipe list component (inside another flexbox div) then we want to listen to the Output / event of this component this event works just like system events a click of a <button>, or a newRecipe of an <app-add-recipe>, they're just the same so add an eventhandler (using ( )) to the tag/component sending the event

receive the event

              export class RecipeListComponent implements OnInit {
                private _recipes = RECIPES;
                constructor() {}
                get recipes() {
                  return this._recipes;
                addNewRecipe(recipe: Recipe) {
now we still need to add this event handler to our class so we add an addNewRecipe method, which will push the new recipe to our list of recipes notice that the $event parameter is simply an object of type Recipe, as that's what we were sending let's try this out


  • we can add recipes now, or at least simply the name of a new recipe
  • while you could expand this into a fully functioning form, there are FAR better ways to handle forms! (we'll cover that in a later chapter)
  • still, while we can add recipes now, data is stored in the app component, it shouldn't be in a component at all
  • we need a new concept, a class which performs functionality across components


  • services typically serve one of these goals
    • encapsulate business logic needed throughout your app
    • providing data access to different components
  • you use services to share code / data across components, so obviously you don't want to simply instantiate local copies in each component
  • you use injection to add them to components, and 'share' your copy


we'll use angular-cli to generate our service
~/recipeapp/src/app/recipe$ ng generate service RecipeData		
  CREATE src/app/recipe/recipe-data.service.spec.ts (354 bytes)
  CREATE src/app/recipe/recipe-data.service.ts (159 bytes)
note that no html nor css is created, a service is not something that will be shown


                import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

                  providedIn: 'root'
                export class RecipeDataService {
                  constructor() { }
not much here, a class with a decorator services are always @Injectable, you never create ('new') one yourself, they are always added using dependency injection you've seen this before, but basically when first needed the Angular framework will create a singleton instance of this class and pass it then any subsequent request for this service in the same 'scope' will use the same object services need to be provided by a module (their 'scope'), that's what the providedIn is for, we'll see modules in depth in a later chapter providedIn is new in Angular6, on stackoverflow etc you'll often find services being provided inside the providers list of the module, this still works, but the new shiny way is to use providedIn


                  providedIn: 'root'
                export class RecipeDataService {
                  private _recipes = RECIPES;
                  constructor() {}
                  get recipes(): Recipe[] {
                    return this._recipes;
                  addNewRecipe(recipe: Recipe) {
first we move the list of recipes, initialized with the mock data, from the recipe list component to this service

recipe list component

                export class RecipeListComponent{
                  constructor(private _recipeDataService: RecipeDataService) {}
                  get recipes(): Recipe[] {
                  addNewRecipe(recipe) {
now we update the recipe list component to use this data service first we add a parameter of the data service type to the constructor this will make sure the DI system is used, if the service is properly provided somewhere notice the private before the parameter; remember, this creates a member variable and initializes it the get and addNewRecipe methods now simply call their respective methods on the data service directly notice that the component no longer holds any data itself, this is very important as components can (and will) be recreated and reused throughout the use of your app where services are 'stable' singletons it's also important since services will be reused across components if you add a recipe in one component, you'll typically want other components to reflect this as well let's try this out


  • we succesfully moved our data to a shared service, ready to be used throughout the app
  • still, we lose everything after a refresh... we need a backend with a database and the whole shebang, we'll tackle that in later chapter

custom pipe

  • last week we talked about pipes to transform how data is displayed
  • but you can also use pipes to filter data (in a way this is transforming your array)
  • since we can have many recipes now, let's illustrate this by adding a filter to only show recipes matching a certain string
  • this is only intended to illustrate custom pipes, in real applications you should (obviously?) never filter on the client side; when you can have an arbitrary amount of recipes you want to paginate and apply filters on the server side, probably in the database (e.g. if you have 100.000 recipes you don't want to send all those MBs to every client and then hide 99.990 of them)

recipe filter

like components and services, we can use the angular-cli to generate pipes
~/recipeapp/src/app/recipe$ ng generate pipe RecipeFilter --module=recipe
CREATE src/app/recipe/recipe-filter.pipe.spec.ts (212 bytes)
CREATE src/app/recipe/recipe-filter.pipe.ts (213 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/recipe/recipe.module.ts (971 bytes)
just like a service, there's no css or html here, pipes are to be used inside other components


                        import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
                          name: 'recipeFilter'
                        export class RecipeFilterPipe implements PipeTransform {
                          transform(recipes: Recipe[]value: unknown, name: string...args?: unknown): Recipe[]unknown {
                            return null;
                            if (!name || name.length === 0) {
                              return recipes;
                            return recipes.filter(rec =>
pipes are configured using the @Pipe decorator they have a name, that's how you call them using the pipe character | recipeFilter you must implement the PipeTransform interface, which contains one function: transform, with two parameters the first parameter is the value to the left of the pipe |, on which the pipe is applied the second parameter is optional, an extra parameter for your pipe (e.g. | date: "longDate") by default parameters are of type 'unknown' just like any, everything can be assigned to an unknown type, but unline any you can assign an unknown type to almost nothing we'll use static type checking to our advantage and change them into the real types in our case we will filter a Recipe[], based on a string as an example we'll simply check if the name of the recipe starts with the string we filter on so return the full list if no filter is passed, and filter the array on the name if there is a filter

using the recipefilter

                        <div fxLayout="column" fxLayoutGap="2%">
                          <app-add-recipe (newRecipe)="addNewRecipe($event)"></app-add-recipe>
                              <input matInput placeholder="filter" type="text" #filter />
                            <button (click)="applyFilter(filter.value)" mat-raised-button>
                            fxLayout="row wrap"
                              *ngFor="let localRecipe of (recipes | recipeFilter: filterRecipeName)"
                              fxFlex="0 0 calc(25%-0.5%)"
                              <app-recipe [recipe]="localRecipe"></app-recipe>
we loop over the recipe list in the RecipeListComponent, so that's where we'll apply the filter so we want to apply the (filter) pipe to the recipes list here the name on which we'll filter will be a property from the typescript class, let's name it filterRecipeName this property will be set using a input field and filter button once more, we'll create a local 'hashtag' variable to store this input field, and pass it's value to the function all that's left is adding this function and the property to the typescript code

using the recipefilter

                      export class RecipeListComponent {
                        constructor(private _recipeDataService: RecipeDataService) {}
                        public filterRecipeName: string;
                        applyFilter(filter: string) {
                          this.filterRecipeName = filter;
                        get recipes(): Recipe[] {
                        // [...]
the typescript class is pretty straightforward, we simply add a new property for the filter and then create the function which will set this property if the button is clicked notice that we pass a string now, not a HTMLInputElement, since I passed the .value in the html) that's it, let's try this out

change detection

  • so this mostly works, but the filter doesn't get reapplied, what's going on?
  • the problem is related to change detection, angular tries to update the DOM as little as possible there's a whole mechanism in place, change detection, to 'know' which parts changed and which didn't

change detection

  • Pipe's transform function is considered 'pure', given the same inputs, the exact same output is expected
  • while the contents of the recipe[] changed, the variable itself didn't; angular is very conservative when deciding if a pipe triggers a change, pipes are potentially called a lot of times

change detection

  • so how do you solve this? there are two ways, declare the pipe as not being pure in the properties
                                  name: 'recipeFilter',
                                  pure: false
  • or make sure the variable (reference) really changes, clone it and add the new recipe to the clone
                              addNewRecipe(recipe: Recipe) {
                                this._recipes = [...this._recipes, recipe];


  • we'll go with the second option, taking a more functional approach (immutable objects / pure functions) is the way to go
  • it makes for code that is a lot easier to test and understand; in a way, if you can avoid tracking state you should, but we'll have a LOT more to say about state later
  • a filter like this should really be a live-filter though, but we'll fix that in a later chapter using observables
  • anyway, let's try this out


  • basic actions are handled by enclosing them in parentheses (click)="myClickFunction()"
  • you can easily capture data in your html hashtag syntax #inputfield, and pass it to event handlers
  • creating data from one component, to be used by another, is achieved using @Output and EventEmitter
  • use a service to encapsulate data or logic used by several components using @Injectable