theory (all together)
exercise (per class)
week 1.
introduction, Angular basics
trouble installing?
week 2.
holiday - no class
(mandatory) discuss your webapp idea - setup github
week 3.
services, communication between components
get help while working on your webapp
week 4.
backend API in .NET Core (part 1)
get help while working on your webapp
week 5.
backend API in .NET Core (part 2)
get help while working on your webapp
week 6.
observables (basics) so we can use the API
exercise on observables
week 7.
reactive forms / Cypress testing
(mandatory) discuss your REST API
week 8.
modules / routing
get help while working on your webapp
week 9.
authentication and authorization
get help while working on your webapp
week 10.
state management, observables and rxjs in depth
get help while working on your webapp
week 11.
"guest" lecture - get everything running online (maybe)
get help while working on your webapp
week 12.
get help while working on your webapp
get help while working on your webapp