webapplications 4
Your assignment for this class can be found as a pdf on chamilo
You'll also find a github classroom link there (if you don't see a github classroom link for some reason, contact me asap)
deadline is friday 21th of May 2021, 23h59
0 introduction
what are we going to do this course?
last updated 14 januari 2021
1. angular basics
the basics of a component, and how to pass data to it using @Input
last updated 14 feb 2021
2. angular services
@Output, event handlers and services in angular
last updated 11 feb 2020
3. .NET Core backend API
slides are a pdf on chamilo
4. use the API
introduction on observables, learn how to connect with our backend API
last updated 26 feb 2020
5. forms
how to build reactive forms with validation
last updated 1 March 2020
6. testing
testing with Cypress
last updated 8 March 2020
7. routing and modules
how to handle routing, modules and lazy loading
last updated 17 March 2020
8. authentication
authentication in the frontend
last updated 9 april 2020
9. state and advanced rxjs
state management, using rxjs
last updated 1 may 2020